BahamasBNBs Visitor Refund Policy

Effective as of: December 10th 2020

These terms and conditions govern BahamasBNBs policy for Visitor refunds (“Visitor Refund Policy”) and the obligations of the Host associated with the Visitor Refund Policy. The Visitor Refund Policy applies in addition to BahamasBNBs  (“BahamasBNBs Terms And Conditions”). The Visitor Refund Policy is available to Visitors who book and pay for an Accommodation through the BahamasBNBs Platform and suffer a Vacation Issue (as defined below). The Visitor’s rights under this Visitor Refund Policy will supersede the Host’s cancellation policy. References in this Policy to the Website includes the following Website and all associated subdomains and web pages:

All capitalized terms shall have the meaning set forth below unless otherwise defined in this Visitor Refund Policy:


Means this Visitor Refund Policy;


Means any person booking, or accessing, submitting: text, images, video, audio or other multimedia content, software or other information or material submitted to the Website


Has the meaning given to it in clause 1


Means any text, images, video, audio or other multimedia content, software or other information or material submitted by you or other users to the Website

We, us, or our

Means BahamasBNBs LLC

You or your

Means the person accessing or using the Website of its Content

By using the BahamasBNBs Platform as a Host or Visitor, you are indicating that you have read and that you understand and agree to be bound by this Visitor Refund Policy.

  1. Refund Policy Levels

Visitors that cancel a booking will receive a full refund determined by the cancellation policy that applies to that booking. Refunds will only be made for nightly rate not for BahamasBNBs service fees. Cleaning fee will only be paid in full if the Visitor cancels before check-in. Cancellations must be made by 11:59 pm EST to fall within the cancellation policy. If the Visitor arrives and decides to leave early the nightly rate for the nights not spent 24 hours after cancellation are fully refunded. (Minus Service & Cleaning Fee)

Policy Levels


  • Bookings at this listing are non-refundable.

100% Refundable up to 24hrs before check-in

  • Free cancellation until 24 hours before check-in (Minus BahamasBNBs Service & Cleaning Fee).
  • No refund if you cancel less than 7 days before check-in.

100% Refundable up to 7 days before check-in

  • Free cancellation until 7 days before check-in (Minus BahamasBNBs Service & Cleaning Fee).
  • No refund if you cancel less than 7 days before check-in.

100% Refundable up to 14 days before check-in

  • Free cancellation until 14 days before check-in (Minus BahamasBNBs Service & Cleaning Fee).
  • No refund if you cancel less than 14 days before check-in.

100% Refundable up to 30 days before check-in

  • Free cancellation until 30 days before check-in (Minus BahamasBNBs Service & Cleaning Fee).
  • No refund if you cancel less than 30 days before check-in.

100% Refundable up to 60 days before check-in

  • Free cancellation until 60 days before check-in (Minus BahamasBNBs Service & Cleaning Fee).
  • No refund if you cancel less than 60 days before check-in.


  1. Vacation Issue

A “Vacation Issue” means any one of the following:

(a) the Host of the Accommodation (i) cancels a booking shortly before the scheduled start of the booking, or (ii) fails to provide the Visitor with the reasonable ability to access the Accommodation (e.g. does not provide the keys and/or a security code).

(b) the Listing’s description or depiction of the Accommodation is materially inaccurate with respect to:

  • the size of the Accommodation (e.g., number and size of the bedroom, bathroom and/or kitchen or other rooms),
  • whether the booking for the Accommodation is for an entire home, private room or shared room, and whether another party, including the Host, is staying at the Accommodation during the booking,
  • special amenities or features represented in the Listing are not provided or do not function, such as decks, pools, hot tubs, bathrooms (toilet/shower/bathtub), kitchen (sink/stove/refrigerator or major other appliances), and electrical, heating or air conditioning systems, or
  • the physical location of the Accommodation (proximity).

(c) at the start of the Visitor’s booking, the Accommodation: (i) is not generally clean and sanitary (including unclean bedding and/or bathroom towels); (ii) contains safety or health hazards that would be reasonably expected to adversely affect the Visitor’s stay at the Accommodation in BahamasBNBs judgment, or (iii) has vermin or contains pets not disclosed in the Listing.

  1. The Visitor Refund Policy

If you are a Visitor and suffer a Vacation Issue, you are covered by this policy as follows:

Up to 24 hours after check-in. If you report a Travel Issue up to 24 hours after check-in, we agree, at our discretion, to either (i) reimburse you the amount paid by you through the BahamasBNBs Platform (“Total Fees”), or (ii) use our reasonable efforts to help you find and book for any unused nights left in your booking another Accommodation which is reasonably comparable to or better than the Accommodation described in your original booking in terms of size, rooms, features and quality. BahamasBNBs shall decide whether an issue reported by a Visitor qualifies as a Vacation Issue, whether to reimburse or rebook a Visitor who suffers a Vacation Issue, and whether an alternate Accommodation is comparable or better. 

More than 24 hours after check-in. If you report a Vacation Issue more than 24 hours after check-in, we agree, at our discretion, to either (i) reimburse you up to the Total Fees depending on the nature of the Travel Issue suffered, or (ii) use our reasonable efforts to help you find and book another Accommodation for any unused nights left in your booking which is reasonably comparable to the Accommodation described in your original booking in terms of size, rooms, features and quality. 

BahamasBNBs decisions under the Visitor Refund Policy are final and binding on Visitors and Hosts but do not affect other contractual or statutory rights you may have. Any right that you may have to initiate legal action remains unaffected.

  1. Conditions for making a Claim 

To submit a valid claim for an Vacation Issue and receive the benefits with respect to your booking, you are required to meet each of the following conditions:

(a) you must be the Visitor that booked the Accommodation;

(b) you must report the Vacation Issue to us on the BahamasBNBs Platform in writing or emailed to us within 24 hours of discovering the existence of the Vacation Issue, and you must provide us with information (including photographs, videos, or other written or tangible evidence) about the Accommodation and the circumstances of the Vacation Issue

(c) you must respond to any requests by us for additional information or cooperation on the Vacation Issue within the time specified by BahamasBNBs;

(d) you must not have directly or indirectly caused the Vacation Issue (through your action, omission or negligence); 

(e) unless otherwise specified by BahamasBNBs or BahamasBNBs advises you that the Vacation Issue cannot be remediated, you must use reasonable efforts to try to remedy the circumstances of the Vacation Issue with the Host; and

(f) in order to receive a reimbursement of Total Fees or assistance with booking an alternative Accommodation, you must agree to vacate the Accommodation. If you choose to stay in the Accommodation, you may still qualify for a partial refund at BahamasBNBs discretion as described in this policy (regardless of whether you reported the Vacation Issue up to 24 hours after check-in). 

  1. Minimum Quality Standards, Host Responsibilities and Reimbursement to Visitor

4.1 If you are a Host, you are responsible for ensuring that the Accommodations you list on the BahamasBNBs Platform are accessible, adequately and accurately described in the Listing description, safe and clean, and do not present a Visitor with Vacation Issue, as specified in these terms. During a Visitor’s stay at an Accommodation, Hosts should be available, or make a third-party available, in order to try, in good faith, to resolve any Vacation Issue or other Visitor issues.

4.2 If you are a Host, and if (i) BahamasBNBs determines that a Visitor has suffered a Vacation Issue related to an Accommodation listed by you and (ii) BahamasBNBs either reimburses that Visitor (up to their Total Fees) or provides an alternative Accommodation to the Visitor, you agree to reimburse BahamasBNBs up to the amount paid by BahamasBNBs within 30 days of BahamasBNBs request. If the Visitor is relocated to an alternative Accommodation, you also agree to reimburse BahamasBNBs for reasonable additional costs incurred to relocate the Visitor. You authorize BahamasBNBs Payments to collect any amounts owed to BahamasBNBs by reducing your Payout or as otherwise permitted pursuant to the Payments Terms.

4.3 As a Host, you understand that the rights of Visitors under this Visitor Refund Policy will supersede your selected cancellation policy. If you dispute the Vacation Issue, you may notify us in writing on the BahamasBNBs Platform or via telephone and provide us with information (including photographs or other evidence) disputing the claims regarding the Vacation Issue. In order to dispute an Vacation Issue, you must use reasonable and good faith efforts to try to remedy any Vacation Issue with the Visitor unless BahamasBNBs advises you that the Vacation Issue cannot be remediated or the Visitor has vacated the Accommodation.

  1. General Provisions

5.1 No Assignment/No Insurance. This Visitor Refund Policy is not intended to constitute an offer to insure, does not constitute insurance or an insurance contract, does not take the place of insurance obtained or obtainable by the Visitor, and the Visitor has not paid any premium in respect of the Visitor Refund Policy. The benefits provided under this Visitor Refund Policy are not assignable or transferable by you.

5.2 Modification or Termination. BahamasBNBs reserves the right to modify or terminate this Visitor Refund Policy, at any time, in its sole discretion. If BahamasBNBs modifies this Visitor Refund Policy, we will post the modification on the BahamasBNBs Platform or provide you with notice of the modification and BahamasBNBs will continue to process all claims for Vacation Issue made prior to the effective date of the modification according to the then applicable policy.

5.3 Entire Agreement. This Visitor Refund Policy constitutes the entire and exclusive understanding and agreement between BahamasBNBs and you regarding the Visitor Refund Policy and supersedes and replaces any and all prior oral or written understandings or agreements between BahamasBNBs and you regarding the Visitor Refund Policy.

  1. Contacting BahamasBNBs

If you have any questions about the Visitor Refund Policy, please email us at [email protected]